Babe. I've been secretly building a parallel universe.
Its taking over me, im in a parallel universe.
''We usually travel with our destination in mind. We travel with hopes and expectations. We travel from one place to another. We travel with an end, and sometimes, without. But we always travel towards that final stop. But have we ever wondered about the rest of the things that come and go during our transit? The objects, the places and the people that exist without being a part of our world and yet co-exist without our knowledge. Those that exist in time and space, by the law of nature or man, but remain mostly ignored by the traveller. They whiz into our worlds, play a momentary and insignificant part of the landscape they already belong to and once done are shelved into oblivion rendering it useless unless called upon by cognizance.''
I wish I could make miniature versions of soulmates. So I could carry them in my pockets and remember we happened. I'd take them out when I'm scared, alone or sad. Eventually on redemption day, when soul, spirit and freedom collide, I'd let them fly.
We are the children who flew. They say it's like riding a bicycle.
y o u c a n a l w a y s a c h i e v e i t y o u j u s t h a v e t o t r y i t -
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