Tuesday, December 6, 2011






Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What if your ears get tired?

There's always a new beat. I like that.
I like knowing you know.
I like to think of small obvious things and realize they mean something.
I like to realize how I think.

I like to let my head dance with the waves-
and let the sounds go down my spine.
I like the echoes to tip toe around my shivers.

THESE ARE lyrics to your emotions and sounds to your motions.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Think of a number -
for the vortex's color.
Let it be see through or mirrored;
this way even four walls will make you see the infinite.

Imagine having no walls at all-
or a world painted in vortex.
Or a xylophoned moving walkway,
or rainbow wings.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Winter's heaven code

Where are we going?
To heaven.
No but i mean, to eat?
Heaven always feeds your brain.

Winter's been knocking on heaven's doors for a while now. Hear the frost and see the shimmer of a white palace, an iceland rollercoster. 

Leaves me vibing -

Menswear as coats, trashwhores as boots, velvet as colours, leather as solids, flags as scarfs, beats as lifestyle and irish coffees as saviors.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The marbles; WHAT WHY HOW

It's funny HOW
you get used to things
you start missing them
you wonder why

It's funny WHY
you want them
you replace them
you want them back again

It isn't how or why but WHAT you make them; a wishful formula for clear spirit and happy days, an old forgotten friend you use to exchange your marbles with -

keep playin' keep flyin' keep diggin'.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The platonics

The bad look -

DEF.: a burning gaze they give us because we're front row; the vibin' row. See it as an undetermined line; don't know where it's going, don't know where it's ending. The only thing we know is how to WALK IT. 

We certainly can't and / or won't stop vibing it up. So my answer to this platonics bullshit is this; time to embrace the bad look folks, it's only a reminder they don't know, we know.

Got the vortex engraved on soul, 1.11.11 

M A K E  A  W I S H -

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trick that treat

Time to get the shit going down; it's halloween kids. Not to say the shit isn't already going down all year long but this is the time where we get to be birdies, tigers, dead brides and flying carpets all at the same time. I call it great timing. So take a train, take a sip or take your grandma for a little trick-or-treat but OWN IT. And have your parents check the candies before you eat' em.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

We are legends.

legends of legends
legends of dusks and dawns
legends of illuminations -
legends of self-realisation.


walking legends
craving legends -
hopeful legends.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dear little yang

Babe. I've been secretly building a parallel universe.

Its taking over me, im in a parallel universe.

''We usually travel with our destination in mind. We travel with hopes and expectations. We travel from one place to another. We travel with an end, and sometimes, without. But we always travel towards that final stop. But have we ever wondered about the rest of the things that come and go during our transit? The objects, the places and the people that exist without being a part of our world and yet co-exist without our knowledge. Those that exist in time and space, by the law of nature or man, but remain mostly ignored by the traveller. They whiz into our worlds, play a momentary and insignificant part of the landscape they already belong to and once done are shelved into oblivion rendering it useless unless called upon by cognizance.''

I wish I could make miniature versions of soulmates. So I could carry them in my pockets and remember we happened. I'd take them out when I'm scared, alone or sad. Eventually on redemption day, when soul, spirit and freedom collide, I'd let them fly.
We are the children who flew. They say it's like riding a bicycle.

y o u  c a n  a l w a y s  a c h i e v e  i t  y o u  j u s t  h a v e  t o  t r y  i t -

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The good, the great and the naked.

I'm not sure how it came to me but I started craving great lines of simplicity more than great amounts of n'importe quoi. Textures, sounds and heartbeats of what i like to call the great quest; the purest one way road quest. 
As of the rest, I'm sorry I'm without words but DAMN-
 Naked might not be pure with those boots on, but it has never looked so good.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My mirror idea

I want to wear shoes with heels made of mirrors and walk on everything's reflection. It's already a given we like to photograph the sky; i'd like to photograph the floor. As it is a magnet, a cable connection with earth and whatever else lives on it. Turn the rooftops into floors and let the cherubs' hometown be your playground.

Watch out this video might cause epileptic disorders.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sex and the angels

Big hair and a retro sex kitten vibe. Now tell Gainsbourg to go sit at the piano and write you a love song.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Morning church

This feels like seeing your mama in a gospel show. Don't deny it, smile child-

God bless.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hey lady luck

She's an old friend, a golden given, always waiting to live them moments again. They told us not to talk to strangers when we we're kids. Now that we realize we still are and this shit ain't going nowhere; better find the people you like to be strange with-


Monday, September 19, 2011


We know it's coming to an end but we just can't let go of the past weeks. Thank you summer for epic times.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 days

DAY 1 ; 
body paint yourself. be a human mandala.
DAY 2 ; 
have a chrismas party. its better if its not.
DAY 3 ;
 climb on a roof top. have a cigarette.
DAY 4 ;
 write your soul down on paper. burry it.
DAY5 ;
 wear a flower turban. read you palms.  
DAY 6 ;
 make your own beat. rape it.
DAY 7 ; 
walk straight forward until someone tells you to stop. walk some more.
DAY 8 ; 
hug your grandma. show the love.
DAY 9 ; 
buy a plant. dress it as a human friendship bracelet.
DAY 10 ; 
start a project. change the world. or try and die trying.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

54. The studio.

Empty minds dancing, flared leatherette pants, new wave neon afros and this song on a goodbye cake. Let the record spin and blaze the trail.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The midget asked about it

I have come to conclusion that everything that moves you in life also ties your ass down to the ground. It makes you want to run naked through a baseball field but has you wanting to hide in the lost paradise and forget about time. Love, hate. Then, there's this one eyed midget who's asking you why and how?

And you say : being excited doesn't happen without scared shitless and that, friend, really is the basic equation. 
1 + 1 = 2
Now figure out if 2 is really worth it. And if it is; touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it, turn it, leave it, stop. format it, and do not let go of it-

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Les 6 commandements

Reach for the light that never fails your soul
Never let your white candle burn

Reminisce your hopes and hold on to your dreams
Acknowledge ugly/ beautiful -
as it is one that sets ones taste and flavour.
Let dusk be the beginning of all mornings
and let your magic motion through dawn.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Floating piknik

My band is floating, it plays echo tamtams and sees in 4 dimensions.
P a r a l l e l 
S u r e a l
M a g i c a l
H y p o t h e t i c a l
You sit. you listen. you wonder. you wait.
You wait for a glimpse of blinded clarity in a rainbow outfit. 
Call it a dont-give-a-shit-shiver-setter.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ode a Mario Bros.

life  is like a super nintendo game; your running straight forward looking for coins to buy yourself a magic cape and a flying hat. your poney is a dinausor, it only eats apples. its also your fairy friend.
There's traveling pipes, mountains, monsters, superstars, wild seas, scary potatoes;

y o u   c a n   w a l k   o n   c l o u d s.

Let yourself catch the Peter Pan syndrome.
See you in neverland-

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The reason why

I like to talk my way through life in vibes.
It can change or stay the same for a while,
it defines its very self.
i like to think some people get your vibe
resulting in some kind of telepathic communication
or shared perception.
The way you see, hear, touch, feel, crave;
constitutes the premises to your vibe.
I just like to say it - vibe.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Wish list for santa; sand, rocks, the liquor store and mermaids.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Late beatbox sequel

Hot girl, hot beat and a prayer. Add it to the 5:12 beatbox list, or dig it whenever wherever - 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One time at band camp

Thinking about the new and the old and everything in between we just forgot to do / have / see - 
Reminisce the oldies, the goodies and all the other things you crave in your pants. life.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tricolor trifecta

This makes me wanna hike to Australia; plane hiking that is - With a tattoo on my ass and a concierge's overall. If you don't feel the beat, look at the video and see the vortex through a colored prism.
Oh oui.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bible found while losing brain

 Found a beatnik's bible under a table trying to learn how to beer pong my life away; Jack Kerouac's On the road - 
 If you haven't already read it, do yourself a favor, free your mind and walk the road.

Because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centrelight pop and everyone goes : Awwww.

Monday, July 18, 2011


We live life in motion / emotion. 
slow, fast, never normal. because we're not normal kid. 
We're fucking lunatics.