Friday, September 30, 2011

Morning church

This feels like seeing your mama in a gospel show. Don't deny it, smile child-

God bless.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hey lady luck

She's an old friend, a golden given, always waiting to live them moments again. They told us not to talk to strangers when we we're kids. Now that we realize we still are and this shit ain't going nowhere; better find the people you like to be strange with-


Monday, September 19, 2011


We know it's coming to an end but we just can't let go of the past weeks. Thank you summer for epic times.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 days

DAY 1 ; 
body paint yourself. be a human mandala.
DAY 2 ; 
have a chrismas party. its better if its not.
DAY 3 ;
 climb on a roof top. have a cigarette.
DAY 4 ;
 write your soul down on paper. burry it.
DAY5 ;
 wear a flower turban. read you palms.  
DAY 6 ;
 make your own beat. rape it.
DAY 7 ; 
walk straight forward until someone tells you to stop. walk some more.
DAY 8 ; 
hug your grandma. show the love.
DAY 9 ; 
buy a plant. dress it as a human friendship bracelet.
DAY 10 ; 
start a project. change the world. or try and die trying.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

54. The studio.

Empty minds dancing, flared leatherette pants, new wave neon afros and this song on a goodbye cake. Let the record spin and blaze the trail.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The midget asked about it

I have come to conclusion that everything that moves you in life also ties your ass down to the ground. It makes you want to run naked through a baseball field but has you wanting to hide in the lost paradise and forget about time. Love, hate. Then, there's this one eyed midget who's asking you why and how?

And you say : being excited doesn't happen without scared shitless and that, friend, really is the basic equation. 
1 + 1 = 2
Now figure out if 2 is really worth it. And if it is; touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it, turn it, leave it, stop. format it, and do not let go of it-